Concordia is committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participation for all students. In the event you encounter any barrier(s) to full participation in any of the educational programs, 康考迪亚提供的活动或服务 due to the impact of a disability (e.g., 物理, 精神, 认知),并且可能需要住宿来充分参与, 我们鼓励您联系ARC无障碍服务办公室.


  • 学生是有残疾的人
  • 要求的住宿条件是合乎逻辑的, 合理和必要的,以促进平等准入和消除障碍
  • 所要求的住宿在适当的情况下是合理的

Accommodations are not retroactive, nor do they transfer from institution to institution.




请使用正规赌博十大网站康考迪亚邮箱, 否则,您的个人电子邮件地址将暂时有效.


提供正规赌博十大网站残疾证明文件 无障碍服务验证表格.

你有初级保健医生吗, 精神 health or other healthcare provider that can verify your disability complete the accessibility services verification form listed below. 文档也可以上传到您的无障碍服务请求中.

A provider’s letter with a diagnosis and a recommendation does not automatically guarantee an accommodation of choice. 这封信不是处方, 高等教育中的残疾人安置也不是一项权利项目.



The student and the 可及性服务 Director will engage in an interactive process to determine and implement an appropriate accommodation plan if needed to facilitate access and participation in any of the educational programs, 康考迪亚提供的活动或服务.


转学 should talk with us about how accommodations were managed at their previous institution, so that we determine and implement an appropriate accommodation plan to facilitate equal access and participation here if needed.


第一次寻求住宿的研究生, 或者在本科期间有过住宿经历, should contact us so that we can engage in the interactive process to determine and implement an appropriate accommodation plan to facilitate equal access and participation if needed.



每一种情况都值得考虑. Please be aware that completing and submitting forms does not guarantee that a particular accommodation will be approved or implemented. We will work with you throughout your time at Concordia to ensure that you are receiving appropriate and reasonable accommodations. 您批准的住宿计划可以在任何时候重新审视.

学生 who do not have documentation may still submit a request form and schedule a meeting.

You are not required to disclose any personal information to staff or faculty outside of the ARC 可及性服务 Office in order to receive your accommodations. 教师 or staff who have questions or concerns can be directed to speak with our office. We will only communicate information about your accommodations to the necessary staff/faculty who will be implementing them. We disclose personal information about you only with your explicit consent and only if necessary.


The purpose of reasonable and appropriate accommodations is to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability. The work of the ARC 可及性服务 Office is to address the barriers or limitations in the environment to create equitable access and opportunities for disabled students.

合理的住宿, 就其本质而言, are designed to increase inclusion for a student with a disability so that they have access to the same opportunities as their peers.

合理的住宿 are not intended to excuse or reduce the responsibilities or expectations the university holds for all students.


Documentation of the student’s disability and recommendations made by the diagnosing professional are reviewed during an interactive process by the ARC 可及性服务 Office.

互动吸收过程遵循一系列指导性问题. The ARC 可及性服务 Office does not diagnose or suggest that a student has a disability. The conversation is started by asking the student to identify and explain their disability. The conversation (interactive intake process) involves a series of questions led by the ARC Director of 可及性服务, :

  1. helps determine how the student’s disability creates a barrier to access their education
  2. 他们在过去的学习中是如何挣扎的
  3. 他们过去的住宿是最有帮助的

Accommodations are determined on an individual, case-by-case basis, never by disability label. 在一些罕见的情况下, the program director/dept chair may be asked if an accommodation is reasonable given the technical standards of the academic program.

同样残疾的人的需求各不相同, 因此, 建议仅代表课堂适应的一般指导方针. It is important to remember that a student may have multiple disabilities that have to be taken into consideration. Some students may have disabilities that are not obvious when speaking with the student. 因此, please do not assume that because you are not able to observe obvious signs of a person having a disability, 学生没有残疾. The fact that the student has been determined eligible to receive accommodations means that the student has submitted documentation or information and is officially registered with the University as having a disability.

在一定的条件下, 比如灵活出勤, arranging suitable adjustments involves a shared responsibility between the professor and the student. In this instance the student with the disability is responsible for bringing their individual needs to the attention of the instructor once the faculty notification has been sent out; however, 学生们可能会对提出特殊要求犹豫不决. It is suggested that early in the semester instructors make a general announcement or direct students to information on accessibility services located in the course syllabus.


  • 延长考试时间
  • 使用辅助科技作录音笔记
  • 文本到语音程序的可访问格式
  • 在没有干扰的环境中进行测试



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