Lead with intention and spirit as a school administrator

我们的在线教育领导课程将通过对法律的探索,为您提供对教育领导基本原则的理解, 道德, and spiritual issues arising in today’s school environments. 您将了解政策和法规,以便您可以浏览教育结构和系统. This includes student rights, liability, negligence, and disciplinary policies. 你将获得决策和组织发展方面的专业知识,这样你就可以在正规赌博十大网站学校或学区内带头改进倡议. Whether you are interested in a path of elementary, 中间, 或者高中管理, we offer more than just an advanced administrative degree. 在康考迪亚,我们致力于正规赌博十大网站智力,社会和精神成长.

学分 32
每学分成本 $690



Eight week cohorts begin every: July, August, October, January, March, and May.

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Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


康考迪亚大学的教育领导理学硕士课程(MSEL)是为在P-12学校寻求高级专业培训的教育工作者而设计的. Graduates may apply for a Michigan School Administrator Certificate. 已经拥有教育相关领域硕士学位的教育工作者有资格获得CUAA的资格  Post-Master's School Administrator Certificate Program. 

你将学习管理人员, 学会如何给予建设性的反馈, 建立问责制, 并评估教师,以激励您的员工不断提高他们的手艺. 我们的方法将使您能够建立一个有组织和充满活力的教育团队.

您将探索教育学,同时学习令人兴奋的新方法,以便将最强大和最合适的课程组合在一起. 通过我们的教育领导力项目, you will be able to create opportunities for excellence and improve, 改革, 和重建. 你们毕业后将具备融入社会、与父母建立伙伴关系的能力, 家庭, and your staff to both understand and empathize with your students. 

毫秒概述 & 学生证明



Our MSEL degree program is perfect for working educators. 选择全日制或兼职课程,分为方便的8周课程,由经验丰富的老师授课, 当地教师致力于培养专业的教育工作者,他们是仆人式的领导者, 反思性实践者, 以及坚定的终身学习者.

NCATE/CAEP Accredited and MDE Approved 教育al Leadership Program

Successful completion of the program leads to recommendation for the School Administrator Certification in Michigan

Applicants of this program may be eligible for 不常见的奖学金. 要了解您是否符合资格,请访问 不常见的奖学金 页面. 奖学金申请必须每学年在课程开始前在线填写并提交一次.

Upon completion of coursework and internship requirements, candidates may be recommended for the Michigan School Administrator Certificate
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